Monday, June 24, 2024

Kirby's Dream Land Japanese Box Art / Packaging Translation

 Kirby's Dreamland /  Kirby of the Stars (4.27.92)

Making his gaming debut in 1992, the first Kirby game excellently utilized the limited Game Boy hardware with its large sprites and visual clarity. Pink from the very start, the American version had him a ghostly, apparently due to a lack of documentation (besides screen shows) during the localization process.

(Images taken from Gamefaqs. Contributd by RFH, Starwolf_UK, and Guard_Master.)

"By opening his mouth up big, inhale, blow out and inhale again!!"

His belly is empty! One evening, all the food throughout the land was taken away by the evil King Dedede. At this rate, everyone may die of an empty stomach! However, one youngster has stood up against Dedede. His name is Kirby. Help the whole nation fill up their tummies! Do your best, Kirby!!

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