Monday, June 24, 2024

Kirby's Adventure / Kirby of the Stars: Tale of the Fountain of Dreams Japanese Packaging / Box Art Translation

Kirby's Adventure /  Kirby of the Stars: Tale of the Fountain of Dreams (3.23.93)

Releasing very late into the NES' life cycle, the second Kirby game was a technical tour-de-force with it's excellent pastel graphics, parallax, faux 3D effects and copy ability which gave the game immense depth. Borrowing a copy from a friend in the mid-90s, it was easy to mistake the experience for a SNES game.

(Images taken from GameFaqs.)

Pupupu Land's life source, the Fountain of Dreams, has been met with a serious incident! Inhale, exhale and fly through the air. The Kirby you know from before has learned the "copy" skill, which will play a huge role ahead. Well then, Kirby of the Stars, your second adventure now begins!

Over 20 (abilities) can be copied!

For example, with an enemy using a hammer:

Inhale him...

Swallow him up...

Look, now you got it!

Go ahead and try swallowing various (enemies)...

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