Growing up a huge fan of Konami's Legend of the Mystical Ninja, the long-awaited American follow up, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, was once up there with Ocarina of Time as my most anticipated N64 title. Possessing a wild plot and bigger cajones than a Tanuki, Goemon's 3D debut holds the distinction of being the system's boldest third-party title. With an intoxicating charm compelling one to excuse some often mediocre gameplay, Goemon easily deserves its cult-classic status.
The game is divided into 4 main styles: Fields, Towns, Dungeons and Impact segments. Obviously constructed while the team was learning 3D, the fields are inefficiently designed, but still a pleasure to explore and packed with enemies to bash for some cash. Covering much of Japan's topography, you'll travel seasonal plains, formidable temple grounds, majestic bamboo forests, creepy caves, the spooky mountains and frigid oceans of Hokkaido and a miniaturized replica of Mt. Fuji. Even the Tottori Sand Dunes are referenced. Summoning a shrieking dragon allows for fast traversal.
Towns are consistently disorienting, with an overly reactive camera making it difficult to familiarize with fairly simple layouts, yet the tranquil music, distinctive atmospheres and quirky dialogue of the shop owners and villagers will have you in no hurry to leave. Despite the primitive 3D engine, dungeons fare better with improved camera positioning. Playing like early Zelda games, you're tasked with outlasting enemies and traps while searching for keys to advance towards bosses fought on foot, and in the cockpit. Beginning with a most astonishing cutscene, your giant robot Impact skates through a destructible on-rails stage to earn ammo funds, followed by whacked out first-person fisticuffs.
Goemon, Ebisumaru, Sasuke and Yae may be toggled at any point during the journey, their distinctive weapons and abilities substituting for a traditional inventory. You're challenged to an array of bizarre mini-games along the way. A shrunken Ebisumaru must loot a temple's cupboard, attempting to steal snacks while avoiding the sights of a monk with the munchies. Later on, Yae is bestowed a mermaid transformation upon ascending an underground waterfall.
The bafflingly generous soundtrack contains enough music to fill a much longer journey, some true gems being tragically underutilized. The series often borrows 70s American Funk: 'Ghost Toys Castle' obviously being inspired by Herbie Hancock's Chameleon. Even with a wonky framerate and sub-Mario 64 graphics, the naturalesque beauty recreated throughout the game easily draws players in.
Clocking in at 8-10 hours, the adventure wisely ends right before its limitations test your patience. Attempting to combine the approaches of both Mario 64 and OOT, Goemon reached the genius of neither. Lacking are the smooth controls, consequential physics and unspoken invitation to experiment felt in Mario 64. It also missed the convincing open world, clever puzzles and awe-inspiring moments of Ocarina. Despite its flaws, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon offers an unforgetable experience easily outshining the sometimes rudimentary execution. Maybe you've gathered all 120 stars and united the Triforce...but can you figure out: What the hell is the deal with Plasma Man?
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