Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X / Irregular Hunter X Japanese Box Art / Packaging Translation

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X / Irregular Hunter X (12.15.05)

The legendary Mega Man X received a polygonal remake on the PSP. I found this amazing when it released, but definitely prefer the 16-bit sprites these days.

 (Images borrowed from:

X comes back again to the series' origin!

Action gaming’s highest peak, [X] is rebooted on the PSP! An evolved battle awaits you!

VAVA mode
You now have the ability to play as your rival of fate VAVA! What will you do with your overwhelming fire power?!

Friendship, betrayal and potential. These various themes mix together in to a white hot story!

The day of Sigma
The day of truth has come upon us...
'The day of Sigma' is a compilation of high quality animation!

Rockman Rockman
Demo version included
You can also distribute content to friends via game sharing!

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