Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pilotwings Japanese Packaging / Box Art Translation

Pilotwings (12.21.90)

Along with F-Zero, Pilotwings showcased the SNES's impressive pseudo-3D abilities. The N64 sequel was received even better, then the 3DS version was somewhat half-baked. Hopefully Nintendo gives the series another chance in the future.


(Images taken from MobyGames. Contributed by user: "Riemann80")

Sky Sports Simulation

To all those who wish to fly like a bird, you better head to the world of Pilot Wings, right away!

A Sky Sports School has been set up within the world of Pilot Wings. We eagerly await everyone's enrollment to the 'Flight Club,' which includes an enthusiastic instructor, extraordinary facilities and an assortment of environments. This isn't just the chance to view the usual sea and land horizons, or spend time looking up at the sky. At the 'Flight Club,' how about experiencing the..."Other Sky?"

Hang Glider
Light Plane
Rocket Belt
Sky Diving

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