Saturday, June 22, 2024

Legendary Starfy, The / Densetsu No Starfy Japanese Box Art / Packaging Translation

Legendary Starfy, The / Densetsu no Starfy (09.06.02)

This colorful, cute and well-received platformer baffled North American GBA owners by never receiving a  localization.

(Images taken from Gamefaqs. Contributed by samthesamurai.)

Embark on various ocean adventures with Starfy!

Solving puzzles, navigating mazes, fighting off baddies...the sea is full of danger. But, by learning various skills, you can use them in a pinch and make your way to safety! If you get worn out while playing,  drop on into some mini-games. They're hidden in various places.  Be sure to enlist the aid of your many friends throughout the ocean!

No doubt, this will be a fun adventure!

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