Friday, June 21, 2024

Crash Bandicoot Japanese Box Art / Packaging Translation

Crash Bandicoot (9.9.96)

A slightly more frenetic Crash appears on the Japanese cover. While I enjoyed playing this in various demo kiosks, I was in the middle of a full-on meltdown over Super Mario 64 and never really immersed myself in the series. While not completely 3D, the packaging did a good job of declaring it's uniqueness as a "depth scroller".

(Images taken from Gamefaqs. Contributed by BGoldTLE.)

Experience the universe' first "Depth Scrolling'" action game! 

- This type of action appears for the first time!!

- Over 30 fully polygonal stages for Crash to run though!!

- Put a stop to Dr. Cortex's ambitions!!

- Full of hidden features!

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