Monday, August 12, 2024

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (Super Famicom) Japanese Packaging / Box Art Translation

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (Super Famicom) (10.6.95)

Featuring somber striking artwork by Akihiko Yoshida, Tactics Ogre is to this day in the conversation of the greatest SRPG games.

Hope accompanies despair, sorrow accompanies glory.

[Ogre Battle Saga] Chapter 7, from the teachings of Ishtar.

Now, the legend resurrects again. The seventh chapter of Ogre Battle (Tactics Ogre). Located far away from the continent of Zeteginia, the Valerian Isles of the West Obero Sea have been shaken by a bloody battle. And now, a single boy has stood up to fight. His name is Denam Pavel...

Implementing the new HERMIT technology, a notion of height is splendidly conveyed across three dimensional maps. Beautiful visuals are illustrated down to the minute details. A ground breaking battle system is enabled though the use of the revolutionary NATS (Non-Alternate Turn System).

Even more realistic and filled with intensity, this completely new Tactics Ogre game is overflowing with immersive charm. Now, games have stepped out towards a new era.

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