Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mario Clash Japanese Box Art / Packaging Translation

Mario Clash (9.28.95)

Love the griminess portrayed in the box art of this Mario adventure, bring 3D to the original 'Mario Bros' gameplay. Even though Nintendo likes to keep quiet about the Virtual Boy, I have a genuine interested in a compilation of software for this ill-fated system.


                                                                     (Images taken from MobyGames. Contributed by user: "Lasse")

Throw 'em, knock 'em out, make 'em fall! Mario goes 3D in VIRTUAL ACTION!!

You're atop dizzyingly high scaffolding, where an abundance of unique enemies wait to push Mario off! By throwing turtle shells, you're the only one who can knock them down!

From the front, to deeper in the back, Mario's range of movement expands as he moves all over this three dimensional world!!

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