Sunday, June 23, 2024

X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Sega Saturn) Japanese Packaging / Box Art Translation

 X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Saturn) (11.27.97)

Back in the days before GameStop, I was able to purchase one of my first imports at Electronics Boutique at the mall. A real treat for beleaguered Saturn owners, the game looked nearly identical to the blinding action of the arcade game and featured hardly any discernible load times thanks to the expansion cartridge.

(Images taken from Gamefaqs.)

A huge revolution for fighting games!
A dynamic game system!

- Capcom has taken two of their popular fighters (X-Men, Street Fighter) and created a radical fusion! 
- 2 vs 2 tag play! [Variable Hero Battle System!]
- Beginner player support! Use auto-mode with automatic guard. You can also drive aerial raves into the opponent with simple, 2 button controls!
- The historic first introduction of the 4 Megabyte ram expansion cartridge! Allowing three times the images to be displayed as before, a 100% conversion of the arcade edition of X-Men vs. Street Fighter with no loss in image quality is possible!

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