Sunday, June 23, 2024

Treasure Hunter G Japanese Packaging / Box Art Translation

 Treasure Hunter G (5.24.96)

Infamously the final Super Famicom game to be published by Square, this SRPG sports some wildly good graphics not far off from the early 2D seen on the PS1. Developed by Sting Entertainment, more well known for other SRPGs such as Yggrda Union and Riviera. Translation note: The game's box specifically references the term Out-of-place artifacts. See for more information and context

Solve the mystery of the 7 mysterious treasures(OOPArts, Out-of-place artifacts)!

It's said that 7 out-of-place artifacts remain in the world. Now, a huge adventure across the land begins. Clues on the fate of the treasure hunt can be found within your father's adventure book...

* Characters have been produced using the latest CG techniques.
* Pull off highly dramatic magic spells and a variety of techniques.
* Decide if and how much you battle with the interesting "Action Point Battle" system.
* A huge quantity of graphics have been drawn with painstaking detail.

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