Thursday, June 27, 2024

Breath of Fire III Japanese Packaging / Box Art Translation

Breath of Fire III (9.11.97)

Placing 2D sprites of 3D backgrounds similar to Xenogears and Grandia, Breath of Fire III features gorgeous art work and enemy sprites in particular.

(Images taken from Moby Games. Contributed by MAT.)

Along with the awakening of the dragons, accompanying revolutions have sprung up.

A small dragon was discovered in a mining tunnel. Thought to be extinct, it's a creature with powers that transcend this world. Is this a symbol of destruction?  Or...

The true now being tested.

* In an unpredictable, drastic story, a fusion of 2D and 3D has been implemented, producing beautiful graphics.

* Learn from enemies. Apprentice under a master with the "Character Making System". Fishing, and an abundance of cooperative mini-games. The third edition to the popular finally here!

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